pyMathBitPrecise package


pyMathBitPrecise.array3t module

class pyMathBitPrecise.array3t.Array3t(element_t, size: int, name: str | None = None)

Bases: object

bit_length() int
from_py(val: List[value] | Dict[int, value] | None, vld_mask: int | None = None) Array3val

Construct value from pythonic value :note: str value has to start with base specifier (0b, 0h)

and is much slower than the value specified by ‘val’ and ‘vld_mask’. Does support x.

class pyMathBitPrecise.array3t.Array3val(t: Array3t, val: Dict[int, object], vld_mask: int)

Bases: object

Value of Array3t.


use Array3t.from_py if you want to check the the type of val


vld_mask – if 0 the value is entirely invalid else some item may be valid

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils module

exception pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.ValidityError

Bases: ValueError

Value is not fully defined and thus can not be used

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.align(val: int, lowerBitCntToAlign: int) int

Cut off lower bits to align a int value.

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.align_with_known_width(val, width: int, lowerBitCntToAlign: int)

Does same as align() just with the known width of val

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.apply_set_and_clear(val: int, set_flag: int, clear_flag: int)
  • val – an input value of the flag(s)

  • set_flag – a mask of bits to set to 1

  • clear_flag – a mask of bits to set to 0


set has higher priority


new value of the flag

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.bit_field(_from: int, to: int) int

Generate int which has bits ‘_from’ to ‘to’ set to ‘1’


_from 0 to 1 -> ‘1’

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.bit_list_reversed_bits_in_bytes(bitList, extend=None)

Byte reflection (0x0f -> 0xf0)

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.bit_list_reversed_endianity(bitList, extend=True)

In input list LSB first, in result little endian ([0, 1] -> 0b10)

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.bit_set_to(val: int, bitNo: int, bitVal: int) int

Set specified bit in int to a specified value

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.byte_list_to_be_int(_bytes: List[int])

In input list LSB first, in result little endian ([1, 0] -> 0x0001)

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.clean_bit(val: int, bitNo: int) int

Set a specified bit to ‘0’

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.extend_to_size(collection, items, pad=0)
pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.get_bit(val: int, bitNo: int) int

Get bit from int

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.get_bit_range(val: int, bitsStart: int, bitsLen: int) int

Get sequence of bits from an int value

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.int_list_to_int(il: List[int], item_width: int)

[0x0201, 0x0403] -> 0x04030201

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.int_to_int_list(v: int, item_width: int, number_of_items: int)

opposite of int_list_to_int()

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.iter_bits(val: int, length: int) Generator[int, int, None]

Iterate bits in int. LSB first.

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.mask(bits: int) int

Generate mask of specified size (sequence of ‘1’)

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.mask_bytes(val: int, byte_mask: int, mask_bit_length: int) int

Use each bit in byte_mask as a mask for each byte in val.


Useful for masking of value for HW interfaces where mask is represented by a vector of bits where each bit is mask for byte in data vector.

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.normalize_slice(s: slice, obj_width: int) Tuple[int, int]
pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.reverse_bits(val, width)

Reverse bits in integer value of specified width

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.set_bit(val: int, bitNo: int) int

Set a specified bit to ‘1’

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.set_bit_range(val: int, bitStart: int, bitsLen: int, newBits: int) int

Set specified range of bits in int to a specified value

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.to_signed(val: int, width: int) int

Convert unsigned int to negative int which has same bits set (emulate sign overflow).


bits in value are not changed, just python int object has signed flag set properly. And number is in expected range.

pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.to_unsigned(val, width) int
pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils.toggle_bit(val: int, bitNo: int) int

Toggle specified bit in int

pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t module

class pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t.Bits3t(bit_length: int, signed=False, name: str | None = None, force_vector=False, strict_sign=True, strict_width=True)

Bases: object

Meta type for integer of specified size where each bit can be ‘1’, ‘0’ or ‘X’ for undefined value.

  • ~.bit_length – number representation of value of this type

  • ~.signed – flag which tells if this type is signed or not

  • ~._all_mask – cached value of mask for all bits

  • – name for anotation

  • ~.force_vector

    use always hdl vector type (for example std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)

    instead of std_logic in VHDL, wire[1] instead of wire)

  • ~.strict_sign – same thing as strict_width just for signed/unsigned

  • ~.strict_width – if True the arithmetic, bitwise and comparision operators can be performed only on value of this exact same width


operation is not strict if at least one operand does not have strict flag set, the result width/sign is taken from other operand (or first if bouth are not strict)


mask for bites of this type ( 0b111 for Bits(3) )


number of bits required for representation of value of this type

from_py(val: int | bytes | str | Enum, vld_mask: int | None = None) Bits3val

Construct value from pythonic value :note: str value has to start with base specifier (0b, 0h)

and is much slower than the value specified by ‘val’ and ‘vld_mask’. Does support x.

class pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t.Bits3val(t: Bits3t, val: int, vld_mask: int)

Bases: object

Class for value of Bits3t type

  • ~._dtype – reference on type of this value

  • ~.val – always unsigned representation int value

  • ~.vld_mask – always unsigned value of the mask, if bit in mask is ‘0’ the corresponding bit in val is invalid

cast(t: Bits3t) Bits3val

C++: static_cast<t>(self)


no sign extension

cast_sign(signed) Bits3val

Cast signed-unsigned value

to_py() int
pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t.bitsArithOp__val(self: Bits3val, other: Bits3val | int, evalFn) Bits3val

Apply arithmetic operator

pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t.bitsBitOp__val(self: Bits3val, other: Bits3val | int, evalFn, getVldFn) Bits3val

Apply bitwise operator

pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t.bitsCmp__val(self: Bits3val, other: Bits3val | int, evalFn) Bits3val

Apply comparative operator

pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t_vld_masks module

pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t_vld_masks.vld_mask_for_and(a, b) int
pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t_vld_masks.vld_mask_for_or(a, b) int
pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t_vld_masks.vld_mask_for_xor(a, b) int

pyMathBitPrecise.enum3t module

class pyMathBitPrecise.enum3t.Enum3t

Bases: object


use as Python enum.Enum, the value is always ignored and name is used as a value

from_py(val: None, vld_mask: int | None = None) Enum3val

Used only in initialization, use enum class properties if you want to get a value

class pyMathBitPrecise.enum3t.Enum3tMeta(cls, bases, classdict)

Bases: type

class pyMathBitPrecise.enum3t.Enum3val(t, val, vld_mask)

Bases: object

pyMathBitPrecise.enum3t.define_Enum3t(name: str, values: List[str])

Define Enum3t subclass from enum names

pyMathBitPrecise.floatt module

class pyMathBitPrecise.floatt.Floatt(exponent_w, mantisa_w, name=None)

Bases: object

IEEE 754 like float type with configurable sizes fo exponent and mantisa.


mask for bites of this type ( 0b111 for Bits(3) )


number of bits required for representation of value of this type

from_py(val: int | str | float, vld_mask: int | None = None) FloattVal

Construct value from pythonic value

class pyMathBitPrecise.floatt.FloattVal(t: Floatt, val: Tuple[int, int, int], vld_mask: int)

Bases: object

Class for value of Bits3t type

  • ~._dtype – reference on type of this value

  • ~.val – always unsigned representation int value

  • ~.vld_mask – always unsigned value of the mask, if bit in mask is ‘0’ the corresponding bit in val is invalid

to_py() int
pyMathBitPrecise.floatt.FloattVal__arith_op(self, other, op)
pyMathBitPrecise.floatt.FloattVal__cmp_op(self, other, op)

pyMathBitPrecise.utils module

pyMathBitPrecise.utils.grouper(n, iterable, padvalue=None)

grouper(3, ‘abcdefg’, ‘x’) –> (‘a’,’b’,’c’), (‘d’,’e’,’f’), (‘g’,’x’,’x’)